Thursday 22 August 2013

One year

Yes, it's that long already. It's monsoon season again. The floods are threatening.

So what happened during the lull? The lull was there because the dad was too irate to post. The kid graduated from high school but wasn't ready for college. Too grumpy because of raging teenager hormones and no concentration due to nervous breakdown. The Psych suggested Work Skills from SPED. The kid had to be brought five days a week one and half hours by car to the nearest facility that offered such course. The sched took five hours a day. Trip times two plus school, all in all it was eight hours away from home and work. The mom went MWF while the dad took TTh. Saturday classes were dropped as the kid was exhausted with the daily trip. The teachers advised against it too as he was receiving enough behavioral modification already during the five days in SPED school. That started three months ago. Somehow we're still hanging on. Whew!

Cost of it all = 2 years of college tuition

Improvements showed slowly at first then steadily picking up as of late. This is already his third month in SPED. Both dad and mom decided to reward him with a surprise. The kid was brought to a live concert to one of his very favorite singers. Sang the whole time, knew all the songs by heart. Smiled the whole 3 hours trip going home. Another first in a year.

So how? Classes started at 9 and ended at 2. At first we woke him at 6 and have him in the car by 7. Delays always happen but surprisingly the car manages to get there by 9-ish. When the kid gets back home in the afternoon, he rests for half an hour then hits the treadmill. We lowered his exercise time to 30 minutes considering he's exhausted enough with school and the commute. Somehow it didn't work. Teacher always had problems with him not finishing tasks and lack of concentration plus he gets agitated easily.

The kid watched CD's and DVD's during the trip to and from school and it was beginning to consume him. The dad and mom decided to cut it. He can watch them at home in the afternoon. It was not enough though. Grasping for drastic measures, exercise was moved to 5AM. Poor kid was forced to wake at 5. After an extended visit to the toilet, he hits the treadmill at 5:30. Just for 30 minutes, more than enough to make him sweat like a faucet. Nothing was mentioned to the teacher for a week. Teacher noticed the improvement so was eventually informed of the switch in schedules. Teacher was very greatful.

Psych noticed the vast improvement on the kid during the last visit. Face was bright, answers came quick, sang heartily in front of her and lots of stories of classmates and schoolmates in school including his crushes. Zoloft, once a day for 10 months already has been ordered halved. The kid is doing fine and taking everything astride. Recovery under way. Finally!

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